Anyone for a cup of coffee?

Started by JimmyToTheBe, June 10, 2014, 04:00:59 PM

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Just because I love Costa coffee sooo much I thought I'd have a play! Need some work still but looking not bad.
Any tips or hints on things welcome :D

PS thanks to Neik Marks & Jason Williams from Grabcad for the coffee bean and spoon. The rest was done by moi!


looking good - will be watching for follow ups :P




wow, your foamy topping look great. Whats with the light specks on the cup and saucer? they look kinda like unresolved caustics?

Maaan, i have to give up coffee. Shame, I do love it



Perhaps increase the caustics quality for the final rendering to help resolve those spots. Spoon looks a little out of focus considering that the coffee beans that are at the same distance are pretty clearly in focus. Great texturing on the foam!


Quote from: Rex on June 11, 2014, 10:33:39 AM
Perhaps increase the caustics quality for the final rendering to help resolve those spots. Spoon looks a little out of focus considering that the coffee beans that are at the same distance are pretty clearly in focus. Great texturing on the foam!

Cheers guys, Yeah the spots from the caustics was just one of the issues with this render but next time round Ill see what I can do.


The coffee bean shapes in the foam is cool. Do they do it there? I have to say that personally I promote paying homage to something that helps most of us get through the day! I would print this and hang it in my workshop.




Quote from: Dreamsmith on June 13, 2014, 08:59:21 AM
The coffee bean shapes in the foam is cool. Do they do it there? I have to say that personally I promote paying homage to something that helps most of us get through the day! I would print this and hang it in my workshop.



Yeah they have cut-out shapes for the chocolate sprinkles! It adds a nice touch to the render for extra character