Misc Problems with Keyshot for Mac

Started by themis999, September 21, 2010, 03:22:05 PM

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I have been using Keyshot for Mac on a daily basis for several months and I have noted some consistent problems that would need to be fixed in upcoming versions:

- I cannot import Rhino files as advertised, or any other common format such as .igs. The ONLY format that can be imported is mesh in .obj

- 3D manipulator does not work well after scaling down (partially disappear)

- Rotation does not work properly : when an axle for rotation is selected, the part does not rotate in the highlighted axle! I have to select the Y axle to rotate the part on X and vice versa... very annoying

- ' Unlink material ' does not work in some instances. When that happens, all you can do is reimport and start from scratch... very frustrating.

- 'undo' command never undo anything

- After deleting a part and saving as another file, the 'deleted' parts re-appear again after 'show all' command!

- Every time I quit the program, Keyshot or MacOS thinks that Keyshot crashed and ask me if I want to reopen.

These are some of the recurring problems I encounter daily with Keyshot. I will keep posting as they keep coming along...


It still sounds like you are running 2.0.38 or prior. Please make sure to update to the latest version. This will fix the crash bug.

Many fixes are coming with 2.1.

As far as the Rhino importer and other formats go, please make sure you have x11 installed. It is usually installed by default.

Hope this helps.



You are right... I did not realized that ::). Is there any way to set Keyshot to check automatically for updates?
Thanks for the hint though!


We will have the auto-update feature enabled shortly.