Animation Poses not respecting pivot points during render queue

Started by elldawg99, July 01, 2014, 12:12:08 PM

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Hi all,

I'm working with Alias 2014 in Keyshot 5. One of my more typical workflows these days (worked great in 4) was using the animation feature of keyshot not to actually produce an animation but to pose my model for different product shots. ie doors open on a fridge, drawer out/in etc.

After I set up all my animations with pivot objects etc. I start to populate the render queue with shots. I hit go on the queue but when it actually renders the queue doesn't respect any of the pre-setup pivot points and seems to be rendering parts of the model in all sorts of odd places.

This doesn't happen if I pose the model and render each shot individually.  Keyshot team any solution?


Senior Industrial Designer
Whipsaw Inc.


Hey Elliot,

I just tried to reproduce your issue without any luck. Do the thumbnails in the queue appear correct and the output image is wrong or are they both wrong? Do you happen to have motion blur enabled? Is your active camera "Free camera" or is it a saved camera?



Hi all,

I often use Keyshot-Animation only for posing of some objects. Since Keyshot 5 I hve some troubles with lost pivot objects too. In Keyshot 4 it worked fine. Now i use the new feature to fade objects. So it works again!



Hi Rex,

I'm using a free camera, another issue I noticed is that after quitting keyshot 5 yesterday and reopening the same file today all the pivot point information was completely lost even in the realtime preview. I had to re associate every pivot point in the model to correct all the animated parts. :/

In the render queue the thumbnails are the correct images to be rendered but when rendered they are completely wack.




Please try adding a new camera and making it active instead of using the "Free Camera". Do you have a scene that you can share that loses pivot points reliably?


The file I'm using is way to large to upload to the forum 300+ mb.  I tried adding cameras no change.


Quote from: elldawg99 on July 02, 2014, 12:58:11 PM
The file I'm using is way to large to upload to the forum 300+ mb.  I tried adding cameras no change.

Please send via to




Thank you for sharing the file as it helped me discover the root of the problem. The pivot points are not being respected when they are hidden in the scene tree when rendering in background/queue mode. We are working on a fix but in the meantime you can show all the pivots, change the material type to emissive with 0 intensity and all the advanced options unchecked i.e. visible to camera, reflections, shadows etc. Hope this helps!



Hi Rex,

thats ok, too. But as I wrote I first fade out all pivot objects (i.e. from second 0 to second 1) an the animation starts at second 2....!
