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IB3D Art Dump

Started by ib3d, July 07, 2014, 03:54:16 PM

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Hey all just going to start posting all the images that I use keyshot for in this thread. Hope you like


Well i like em all, but the first image is the most dramatic



Love the Red Skull lookin' guy. Great expressions throughout though. Would love to see more on your process.


My God, the fourth image (Red Skull Guy?) looks exactly like James Carville, the noted political commentator and Democratic advisor who ran President Bill Clinton's campaign!  Exact expression- he could have posed for you!  And, as a loyal Democrat, I'm not disparaging or demeaning him or your work- it's just an uncanny resemblance.  Eerie- check out any of the many videos!
Bill G


I love these. I can sense the character in each and everyone. Very hard to do.
My favorite is the second one. Reminds me of a crazy, goofy grandpa.
Thanks for sharing can't wait to see more.
