KeyShot Creature Spot - Jerod Bogh

Started by jBogh, September 05, 2013, 03:58:53 AM

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Jerod, I normally pride myself on being able to spot some peoples work just by the style of their rendering, I had no idea this beast was one of yours - Excellent work :)



Martin thanks so much man! Glad I could sneak one past your trained eyes!

Here are some early tests on a Silverback model I've got in the works.
I just wanted to share some progress shots, initially trying to see how KeyShot handles large amounts of Fibermesh from ZBrush.
These are 20-30min screenshots from the realtime viewport.
The Fibermesh is weighing in at over 8.5M polys alone so far.
I wasn't really trying to use it sparingly at all.
Learning as I go with Fibermesh and the overall styling needs more work and some color variation.
Skin will get a bunch more love too.

The teeth are attached to a full skull inside the head. Which is what I originally sculpted for this study. Then built outer anatomy over the top.
I added gums around the teeth as a separate subtool.
Eventually I will try for a cutaway or transparency of some kind to show off the underlying anatomy.

More to come on this guy. Thanks for watching!


Hi Jerod - good to see another one of yours :)
Reminds me of the Cadbury gorilla - Look up Cadbury's Dairy Milk gorilla for some of the finest modelling and animation i have ever seen ... They used him for two ad campaigns then dropped him, such a shame.

8.5 Million poly's, is that all - lol Bill G has had over 60million in one scene and I myself have managed over 50 million so don't worry, you're not over stretching things for KS.

Keep them posts coming man!


Chad Holton

Nice work - can't wait to see what you end up with.


Quote from: Chad Holton on November 24, 2013, 08:46:16 AM
Nice work - can't wait to see what you end up with.

Hey thanks Chad! Appreciate you dropping by dude!

Quote from: TpwUK on November 22, 2013, 06:13:30 AM
Hi Jerod - good to see another one of yours :)
Reminds me of the Cadbury gorilla - Look up Cadbury's Dairy Milk gorilla for some of the finest modelling and animation i have ever seen ... They used him for two ad campaigns then dropped him, such a shame.

8.5 Million poly's, is that all - lol Bill G has had over 60million in one scene and I myself have managed over 50 million so don't worry, you're not over stretching things for KS.

Keep them posts coming man!


Martin that Cadbury Gorilla was way cool, hadn't seem him before thanks for bringing him up!
Heh wow I think just over 30 million is as far as I've pushed KS so far. Really great to hear that you can take it THAT high res.
I wasn't very satisfied with my initial test. Right after uploading those first 3 images I completely redid the Fibermesh.
This time using it more sparingly and in larger patches. Results look better to me. Hair appears more coarse, a bit messier, and has some clumping.
I think this 2nd approach is how I will treat the rest of the body. Learning a lot as I go.
As always, more to come!


Definite improvement with the hair, looks more coarse now, which is good, most wild animal fur is coarse, but I have never sat next to a gorilla to test its texture, self preservation and all that, but after working in the meat trade i can say most fur is coarse :) He/she is progressing nicely ... Keep em coming



QuoteHe/she is progressing nicely

I agree- looking more like a Creative Director with every pass!

Bill G


Excellent work - thanks for the support!


Quote from: TpwUK on November 24, 2013, 06:12:34 PM
Definite improvement with the hair, looks more coarse now, which is good, most wild animal fur is coarse, but I have never sat next to a gorilla to test its texture, self preservation and all that, but after working in the meat trade i can say most fur is coarse :) He/she is progressing nicely ... Keep em coming


Quote from: Speedster on November 24, 2013, 07:58:33 PM
QuoteHe/she is progressing nicely

I agree- looking more like a Creative Director with every pass!

Bill G

Quote from: Thomas Teger on November 25, 2013, 05:30:13 AM
Excellent work - thanks for the support!

Haha Bill that killed me :)
Guys I'm gonna keep this short because it's late and my fingers ache from sculpting a near 16hr day today!
Really appreciate the comments and interest on my work. Certainly helps to keep the creative fire stoked. Glad you guys agree that the 2nd hair pass was an improvement.
Will try and get more uploaded soon. Until next time fellas.


This thread needs some life kicked back into it!

Came across a drawing by Allen Williams and couldn't resist sculpting it.
Kaiju are a blast! Expect more of them to appear.


Quotelol Bill G has had over 60million in one scene
Sheesh!  That was so KS4!  I'm working on one right now with 280,000,000 + polys in KS5.  Not even a hiccup!  But- bring on more ape!
Bill G


Don't know about adding life back into this thread, it's certainly added some bite to it. Excellent textures and lighting with gorgeous detailing too ...

Keep em coming Jerod - great stuff as always



Men! If that monsters are in your head I wouldn't be in your body if you have nightmares...