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Started by Speedster, July 23, 2014, 12:10:15 PM

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My first DAZ 3D render.

Backstory- I needed some of "Ron's Brushes" for use in Photoshop, but to get them I had to download and install the (free) DAZ 3D app.  Quite a shock for a SolidWorker!  Anyway, I installed the brushes.  Then today I had some free time, and decided to see what DAZ 3D was all about.  Absolute blast!  Not sure what to use it for, but this image came to mind, using one of their stock figures.  I played with poses a bit, but this is dead-stock, less the hair.

Kathy- my cousin who lost her battle with breast cancer...

Imported as a .fbx.  Ron's brushes at

Bill G