Newbie Questions

Started by chippwalters, September 25, 2010, 12:36:10 AM

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Just got my copy of KeyShot 2 and am spending a lot of time learning about this GREAT program. Man, does it render FAST!!

Couple questions:

1. What compression quality are JPEG renders saved at?
2. Are there plans to save PNG format?
3. Anyway to save a libary of objects?  That would be a great feature!
4. Speaking of libraries, how exactly do you create new groups and load files into them? I've successfully drag dropped a bunch of my own HDRI's on to new group called 'Dosch_1" and even saw the previews there. But when I switch to All, then back to Dosch_1, they are all gone. Is this a bug or just something I am doing wrong?

That's all for now.

Robert V.

2. +1
4. That is strange... could be a bug.  Have you tried it a second time?


@2 not right now.
@3 and 4 - change your path to the appropriate folder under Preferences.