Reflective floor in Keyshot 2.2

Started by zoe, October 20, 2014, 05:18:25 PM

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Someone here please tell me how to invoke a glossy reflective floor.  I have been told it is in Environments,  but I cannot find it. Please tell me the procedure to find it.
Thank you,


Hi zoe, there should be a box to check called "ground reflection" or something in the 'Environment' tab. If you need more control over the reflection you need to import a ground plane.

Hope this helps


Thank you for the response.  How is importing a ground plane accomplished? Please excuse my newness.


since your using keyshot 2.2 i think you have to import a plane of actual geometry from whatever modelling package you use. It doesn't matter what size it is or what orientation or where it is in 3D space - you can sort all that in keyshot. When its in keyshot select it, rotate it if its not flat on the ground, hit 'snap to ground' then scale it up big.




Your welcome  :D

I forgot to say.... if you need to, you can fade the edges of your ground plane to 'invisible' by applying an opacity map. Iv attached a radial gradient map (I don't think its in the KS2 library). Apply it to your ground plane in the 'opacity' box and set it to 'planner Y', uncheck 'repeat' and size it accordingly. This will fade out the harsh edges of your ground plane. Remember to uncheck 'sync' if you want to apply a bump map to your ground plane!

Good luck