Applying material / texture to individual faces

Started by waters, October 10, 2010, 09:13:02 AM

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I have previously used NuGraf and am interested in trying Key Shot if it can be done with less effort. I build furniture and one thing I need to do is to be able to apply wood grain to individual faces of parts so the result is more realistic. In NuGraf, that involved breaking apart the model in my CAD program ( Key Creator ) and exporting them as polygon meshes. Is there a way to apply materials to individual faces in Key Shot without breaking apart the model?


Welcome to the KeyShooters world!  Just "map" each individual face or surface, with a different color, in your CAD program before importing the model into KS.  For example, a "board" would have six mapped surfaces, each a different color.  That way you have complete control.
Bill G