I need a new Mac Pro

Started by EGON, December 09, 2014, 01:42:16 PM

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Super nice machine, but maxed out at 24 cores. That's a bummer, at that price tag.


I have tried the mac pro 6 core with keyshot 4 - it got about 90fps with the camera file. My laptop gets 58 or so. The 12 core (24 threads) mac is about $7000! These new mac pros seem overspeced in the graphics dept and underspect in the processor dept, for whatever reason. For the future, I'm thinking i'll probably get a pc workhorse and network rendering capabilities - seems better value. Do you have non keyshot demands that would justify $7k for super-duper graphics cards? Incidentally, the machines themselves are lovely, and barely make a whisper


I'm thinking of buying one of those super fast old MacPros and just keep the one I have as a back-up. They get real good GeekBench scores. 12 cores 3.46.


You could always try your hand and build a Hackintosh, Egon - I use one here :)



I herd those Hackintoshs are kinda wacky at times. What isn't ?


My previous build was very stable on a Giga-byte motherboard - Apparantly ASUS are well supported too, but I broke the rules this time and have start-up problems, but once into OS X it's very stable.



Martin. How much would it cost to build a Hackintosh....... lets say the equal of the new fastest new Mac Pro?


Hi Egon, the simplest answer is to source all the parts as if you were building a PC but to purchase those that match the Apple hardware. My 24 threaded system built on 2011v2 would be well under $3000, it cost me less as i had spare parts from another build. If you can afford 2011-v3 with DDR4 RAM the best value cpu is the E5-2630-v3, put two of them on a Gigabyte Workstation board with as much RAM as you can afford. No need for the twin graphics card with KS box, unless you have need in other apps.

As far as i know, OS X is capped at 24 threads so no point pushing higher :/

see here https://www.keyshot.com/forum/index.php/topic,9514.msg45366.html#msg45366 for a similar thread, I don't know what the final cost was but Nils said his budget was $2500




My new mac pro. 12 core 3.46. Thanks Mom!


mums are great sometimes! Is that 12 cores, as in 24 threads? @3.46ghz? If so thats nice. Should get well over 100fps with the camera bip?


Yeah. 24 threads. I get 134.7 average fps. GeekBench score 3252 64 bit.32 gig ram. Renders fast! I'm so happy. I feel like a little girl.