Unable to connect to KS Server / KS Cloud & ZBrush

Started by RawSunlight, May 29, 2015, 12:08:34 AM

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Hi Chad,

Thanks for the reply, but that made things worse. Once I'd done that, KeyShot wouldn't start at all; I noticed it would regenerate a new Keyshot5.xml file but then fail to start up.
Watching it in task manager it would appear on the list very briefly before disappearing and then doing nothing :(
(Sort of) interestingly, this was the same problem I had when the previous install had failed due to my antivirus/firewall

I've had to restore the old  file to get it to work again, otherwise it won't play ball, but I'll try the xml removal again, with my AV and firewall turned off during KS startup, and see if that makes any difference

EDIT: Tried it with my AV and Firewall turned off, but same problem, KS just doesn't start at all, so I've restored the original xml file, and at least it runs, although all the connection problems are still there

Chad Holton

Thanks for trying, Herman. Try this, when you have a moment:

Move, not copy, your KeyShot 5 resource folder to your desktop (for backup). Now reinstall the latest full version from here: keyshot.com/try

You will be prompted for your license when starting KeyShot - choose "Install a licence file" option and navigate to your old resource folder (it will automatically place it in your new one).

Let us know how it goes.



Hi Chad,

Unfortunately that was a nightmare! All of the following occured with AV and Firewall turned off, and UAC turned to min security setting:

1st install didn't create the Keyshot resource folder, so I uninstalled again and went through the registry again to remove all keyshot and Luxion keys again

2nd install did create the resource folder. Splash page came up and I loaded the lic file...then KeyShot wouldn't load at all, doing the previous thing of appearing briefly in task manager before failing to load
Did another uninstall and cleaned the registry again

3rd install created the resource folder but didn't load, not even the splash page to load in the lic file

from our previous round of experiments with the xml file, I noticed that  although Keyshot wouldn't load with the new xml file, once I copied back the old one it ran again.
Tried that again, but with the latest install and found that KS was working again (but with all the original connection problems still there!!!)

Also noticed that the install takes 30 mins, most of which is spent on installing the 2012 Visual studio files (10mins on the x64, 11mins on the x86)

I've spent all weekend on this, doing endless reinstalls on and off for over 2 weeks, only to end back where I've started, and quite frankly I have to conclude that your installer and/or uninstaller are not worth the code it's written in!
I'm feeling HUGELY frustrated by the endless 'turn-your-computer-off-then-turn-it-on-again' approach
I could understand the clean install approach, but your uninstaller isn't cleaning KS stuff at all, and there is obviously a problem with the continued reference to the old xml file
Do you guys not have any proper debug tools?

Chad Holton

Hi Herman,

I sent you an email through support to continue this conversation. If you don't see it, check your SPAM folder.



Can you access other things through the browser?


Hi Thomas,

What else should I be able to connect to via KS?
Both 'Connect to KSCloud' and 'Check for Updates' don't work
Is there something else to check? All weblinks are launched fine fine

Here are the error messages I'm getting in the Log File... I sent these to Chad but got no reply regarding  these

(16:41:25) QTextCursor::setPosition: Position '18' out of range
(16:41:26) Query server failed to listen on any port

(16:42:45) Unsuccessful reply, code= 0 , data= "" , url= "https://cloud.keyshot.com/oauth/introspect.php?apiVersion=1&token=a2b95d032fa01b6974678f9e98f7b7bae1869bab"
(16:42:45) Error loading "https://cloud.keyshot.com/oauth/authorize.php?client_id=a984cb5d316fcc1077f9a5cbef107dca84cbe0dc&redirect_uri=default_handler.php&response_type=code&state=api&serial=ZTUJSXQFXMERCXYFMTK5"
(16:42:45) Network error ( 3 ):  Host cloud.keyshot.com not found

This time the Log file is from a reinstalled 5.1.66, which was the first version I had, and the one that worked until 2 weeks ago... it's still doesn't work.
Once again, when I installed this it wouldn't start after I loaded the lic file, and once again, when I replaced the new xml file with my old one, it does start... but as before, without being able to connect to anything!

i received a new Bridge update from Pixologic, but that hasn't solved the ZB to KS problem


Can you remove the .xml file? Upon start of KeyShot is should create a new one.

Can you also try the cloud server using "ping cloud.keyshot.com" from the console?



Hi Thomas,

I've tried deleting the xml file and, absolutely, each new load of Keyshot creates a new one, (when it's absent). But, very strangely, Keyshot refuses to run with that xml file; it does that thing of appearing briefly in the Task Manager process list before disappearing completely. It ONLY runs when I put back the old xml file!
Chad asked me to update my gfx drivers, saying that sometimes that can explain the reluctance of the xml file to work...did that, it didn't change a thing

Where in the console can I type that address in? I must be tired, stressed and missing the obvious, because I don't see it


from a command prompt otherwise known as a console or if you're an old f**t like me, a command line interface.



Doh! it was late, sorry...being an old fart too, I should have thought command prompt!

Console reports:

Reply from bytes=32 time=161ms TTL=49

0% packets lost

Looks fine


Thrilling development!

I spent a couple of hours farting about with the xml to see if the difference between the one that used to work and the autogenerated new one (after deleting it and re-running KS, whch fails then to load), might give us a lead toward anything that is pushing KS to fail

I found that if I copy these lines (which aren't autogenerated) into <plugins> it starts just fine...
        <plugin enabled="false" config="">11aab577aed2275d5a8e86f4c2a3e72d703c8c02</plugin>
        <plugin enabled="false" config="P+AAAAAAAAA=">7bb240247cba7b0076a06709877d7d1e3769487a</plugin>
        <plugin enabled="false" config="">5379cec72c5a65b27fb3a695caa0e04e33471b31</plugin>
        <plugin enabled="false" config="//////////8AAAAAAAEAAAAA">89cf0ca4e1dfde4f6ed6222a03692792e0f76bc17c8cbaf004918d03be0f0f11</plugin>

and often (but not always) it will work with just the 2nd entryin there.
It does NOT work without them though, and as I said, these entiries aren't being auto-generated with the new xml
I also noted that the value has to be false for that 2nd line or it fails again

I also noticed that my license number is autogenerated once KS succeeds in loading, and that is THEN written into the xml. I hadn't put my details in at any point before, so that License number is stored somewhere else. I didn't scrub my registry this time, so it may be that this data is held there somewhere and there's nothing unusual in this observation

Still no connection to the KS Cloud or ZBrush or Updates though, but at least one mystery has been bypassed

Morten Kristensen

Hello Herman,

Thanks for all your debugging information and feedback.

Just to shed some light on the <plugins> block that you found:
11aab577aed2275d5a8e86f4c2a3e72d703c8c02                         = HDR Editor
7bb240247cba7b0076a06709877d7d1e3769487a                         = Leap Motion plugin
5379cec72c5a65b27fb3a695caa0e04e33471b31                         = HDRLS plugin
89cf0ca4e1dfde4f6ed6222a03692792e0f76bc17c8cbaf004918d03be0f0f11 = GrabCAD plugin

It's the list of plugins that KeyShot has found when starting up and then whether or not they are enabled. If no plugins are available in the plugins folder then it won't write entries there.

What you can try is having no <plugins> section (the raw XML file) and removing all plugins (but keep them somewhere for back) in the plugins folder "C:\Program Files\KeyShot6\bin\plugins\64", then starting KeyShot and seeing what happens?

Also try leaving the GrabCAD plugin in the plugins folder, start up KeyShot, and try contacting GrabCAD by File -> Publish to GrabCAD, and choosing some random file. You don't have to have an account, I just want to see if it can make contact with their service. If it can't either then it seems like a local problem otherwise it might not be.
