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BenSopra R35

Started by ajilopez, June 11, 2015, 02:45:47 AM

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First render of my "tuner car" series. :)


Nice colours and use of labels, that ground plane needs some extra love though, it burns out too fast, but that's more a personal thing than a critique :)

Good job, keep pushing it a little more



Thanks Martin. :) I'll do a bit more tweaking tonight. :)

Esben Oxholm

Great start ajilopez.
I love the look of the ground floor, but agrees with Martin that it burns out a bit to much.

Have you used the metallic paint material for the car? I feel like it needs a bit more "play" in it. It looks a bit flat right now. Another way to improve this could be by adding some additional pins in the HDRI editor to enhance the shape of the car :)


Hi Esben! Glad you like it. :)

Actually I was just trying to emulate this picture of the BenSopra GTR featured in the F&F 6 movie. :)

Yes, it is metallic. The real car has a kind of "flat" or satin finish to it and I just made it look exactly the same way. :) You are correct about adding more pins
to the HDRI. But for this scene, I used a completely blacked out environment with 2 rectangles used for lighting. 1 is on top and has a area light diffuse material,
and 1 at the back with an emmisive material to light up the whole scene. :) I'll go add up some more light materials to enhance the car's lines and update this post
once done. :) Thanks :)


I love this look. My big qualm though is the tessellation that is really evident in it  :-/


Hey Josh! Yeah, I know. :) Most evident on the front splitter. Trying to fix it now. :)