Side view orthographic corrupt

Started by hannesgrebin, June 10, 2015, 07:57:25 AM

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Never managed to set ortho views in KS. Can't zoom in in ortho view. Seems always weird.
Here are ortho side view and perspective view. Can somebody help?


It looks like your HUD says your focal length is 0.2mm. Orthographic should be upwards of 200mm... i think


Is this a 3DM file - The camera names you are seeing in the cameras list are imported from Rhino or MoI, i have not seen this with other formats, but the true Ortho views provided with KeyShot you want to click that 'view orientation' button instead, then you will top/bottom/left/right/front/back options, select the view orientation you need from the list.



You can zoom in ortho using distance. The scale of distance with ortho is a bit difference. Try entering a number manually to get started.

If that doesn't work, just make your own. Start with a perspective camera and create new. Change it to ortho.
Set inclination to 0, and azmuth to -90 for your right view (or 90 for left).

Theoretically, ortho doesn't have a focal length, so I'm not sure that matters.


Yea, when I'm in ortho mode my scroll wheel doesn't work to zoom in and out, instead I use my focal length 'zoom' (which is pinching in/out on mac). But since ortho has no focal length there is no problem, other than it being a bit confusing.


Ah, I haven't noticed that. Although I don't render ortho. When someone asks for that I just use a Really Really long lens. You get better reflections. If something is flat, with ortho, it'll pretty much be one solid color with ortho.
Unless they want a 3Q ortho for something more lego looking. But then that'll likely not be a realistic style.