modeling sofware / live linking

Started by kjshah, August 04, 2015, 12:24:40 PM

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I am about to be purchasing keyshot soon. My main computer is a PC though we have a imac retina as well. The previews look better on the retina than they do on my pc, perhaps because the processor is stronger on the imac.

I was also looking at modeling software, and can't tell the difference between them too much. Rhino looks interesting because it has live linking, but only on the PC, not the  mac.

I am modeling simple paper objects, mostly flat cards with pockets.

so my questions would be:

1) if i use my mac (because the previews look better), Is live linking absolutely necessary or more of a nice convenience.

2) Does Rhino seem like a good fit, or would you recommend any other software

thank you.