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interior bedroom

Started by satish gobind, September 09, 2015, 12:24:02 AM

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satish gobind

hi friends here is a interior scene which has been done recently !


Wow - first impression - Wow

second thought - Is the floor wet?

IMHO I would reduce the reflection.

BUT! great work!


Carpet hairs look a bit weird ..
And you've got some bad tesselation issues on the window and the parts behind.

Other than that .. great stuff.

Agree on the floor needing a bit of roughness to blur the reflection.


Wouldn't like to think I was stepping out of bed and on to that rug with bare feet... chances are you'd be on your way to the nearest Emergency Room with your feet dripping blood ;)



It is a nice image though, better than some interiors I've seen people do :)


satish gobind

thank you friends for all ur feed back and suggestions ! helps me to improvise in my work.


Wonder what happens if you duplicate the rug and rotate it 1 or 2° so that you double the amount of "hairs" ...

satish gobind

 @ philipee
good idea but need not rotate it but can move the fur alone not the base !!!! thanks for your advise friend !!!!

Will Gibbons

Yeah, this images is a good start. Did you do any post to this? Looks like you sharpened it up a bit in photoshop or something? Otherwise, maybe it's the geometry tesselation. I'd try opening a few photo references and trying to match them. Check how surfaces appear in other photos and then edit your materials to match. I agree, carpet could look a bit softer or fuzzier. I know it's tough though. I've had trouble finding carpet models online.

Good luck!