Lightning issue

Started by Vasily, October 31, 2015, 04:18:20 AM

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I don't know if there's more appropriate place to post this question. So I got an issue. My model began to render with weird wrong lightning. I tried to render the same model but saved in older file, which rendered fine before. The same issue. What's wrong?

I started the new project and it happened again: keyshot -> rendering


I get this with NURBs models before they have been materialised, so my guess is that you had custom materials and have moved them so KeyShot don't know where they are anymore.



Quote from: TpwUK on October 31, 2015, 05:03:11 AM
I get this with NURBs models before they have been materialised, so my guess is that you had custom materials and have moved them so KeyShot don't know where they are anymore.


I changed materials a bit (just roughness and color). I didn't move anything. Only camera. And I added other materials to other parts.

But when I did the same few hours ago, it worked fine. I changed materials, moved parts, added other parts for lightning, moved lightning. Everything was ok. But then this shit appeared.

Currently I use only default materials from library.


Well that rules that one out then :)
If you're not on a network and are just using default materials then I have no idea. :/



Maybe it happened after I added one more part. I used default material from library for that one. It wasn't in assembly, so I moved and placed it manually. And it happened. But when I turn off this part, it doesn't help.


WTF? Here's rendering with onl y1 material applied to 1 part and rendering with others materials (didn't finish rendering).


Quote from: Vasily on October 31, 2015, 05:35:10 AM
Maybe it happened after I added one more part. I used default material from library for that one. It wasn't in assembly, so I moved and placed it manually. And it happened. But when I turn off this part, it doesn't help.

Usually KeyShot will warn you that it will break dependancies/hierarchies  when adding or moving things. Are you using a live link ?



It happens every time now. I'm adding a model, placing a material on a part. That's all. Everything fcked up already. It looks ok in viewport, but if I start rendering it all becomes black.

May it be caused by file type? I use STEP files because Keyshot 5 doesn't work with SolidWorks 2016 files.


Started new project. Again. Placed materials, lightning, everything. Seems ok. Rendered image. Ok.
Started to render animation. 360° orbit. Black. Now it's all black even on a still image. WHAT HAPPENS?

Seems like animation rendering fucking up whole project.


Hmmm that makes it more intriguing ... Did you import NURBs Data ?

If you did, re-import the model using Tessellation only, see if that fixes it.
If not then re-import it with NURBs Data and try it that way.

I don't think i have ever tried to animate NURB objects other than camera rotation which i have had no issues with. I don't have version 5 installed here at the moment either so i can't test it out either :/



Can you share the model with support@luxion, so we can take a look?


hmm, I'll think that the support will fix the problem.
But also I've view questions:
- do you use any scene set in your project? (than maybe your material changes are on the wrong place)
- did you involved any view set? (maybe your camera and environment settings need attention)
- what is about global illumination?
- maybe you can try to render in max samples mode, also in your animation

please share the solution
