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Dump Truck

Started by Justin M, November 10, 2015, 12:43:19 PM

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Justin M

Full Color and Ghosted Dump Truck showing suspension system from awhile back...


Cool render. The bed and cab look a little too perfect for a dump truck  ;)  but it could be a show truck or something so not a big deal for a quick render.

How did you do the ghosted view? I've been working on something similar and had mixed results (some pretty decent, some not so decent) with a variety of methods. Looks like maybe a toon material? Is there any fade animation effect or did you do 2 renders and then comp them in photoshop? It's a nice clean look to it, almost like a blueprint or something.

Will Gibbons

I really like that last one showing the suspension!

Justin M

Quote from: theAVator on November 11, 2015, 07:00:30 AM
Cool render. The bed and cab look a little too perfect for a dump truck  ;)  but it could be a show truck or something so not a big deal for a quick render.

How did you do the ghosted view? I've been working on something similar and had mixed results (some pretty decent, some not so decent) with a variety of methods. Looks like maybe a toon material? Is there any fade animation effect or did you do 2 renders and then comp them in photoshop? It's a nice clean look to it, almost like a blueprint or something.

Thanks, It is a pretty clean truck, the client wanted a clean, generic dumptruck to attach their suspension system. The ghosted view is a combination of a matte grey render of the truck and a toonshader render to make the detail pop a bit more, then comped in photoshop with a bit of tweaking. I render out different elements such as the interior,  tires, inside of dumpbody, etc, so when I lower the opacity its not bare and gives it a bit more depth.

Justin M


Yeah.... the ghost one is the best! Really nice concept render!