Moving parts between documents

Started by Charlie3D, March 09, 2016, 08:20:05 AM

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Can someone please tell us what's the best way to export/import parts between KeyShot documents ? Right now what I do is delete everything but the part I want, save as..., and import that in the other document... Am I missing something here ?


You can export without having to delete all the other parts, just hide all the other parts and then export to OBJ or whatever suits. KeyShot should only export the parts that are displayed.



Thank you very much TpwUK for your reply. This is great for .obj exports, but how about from Keyshot to Keyshot ? What is the best way to import specific parts from a document to another ?


Hi Charlie, are you trying to build a parts repository so you can access them as and when needed?

Exporting as OBJ is still the better option as this format can still be imported back into KS. If you want a library of parts with materials applied, then your method of removing parts and then saving as BIP is probably the better option although it will be long winded. Of course there is the option in that most CAD packages have export selected object, so you could do that, and then import those into KeyShot and save as you would normally. That option gives you even more choice, as you could save different versions with different materials and still have the original CAD file at hand if needs be.



Yes, Martin... Since it's impossible to open two documents simultaneously and Copy/Paste parts, I believe we need some way to quickly share textured parts between KeyShot documents. A "Parts" category in the library would be ideal, but even the ability to check/uncheck parts during .bip/.ksp import would work.

I am going to check forums again, I must have missed it. I am sure the KeyShot team is cooking something cool to allow for this.