Mesh Modeling - Various renders practice (+Erlenmeyer Flask)

Started by NM-92, May 16, 2016, 02:15:01 PM

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Esben Oxholm

Quote from: Magnus Skogsfjord on July 26, 2016, 06:11:00 PM
(Esben has really whipped me on blown out areas, so I'm a bit sensitive to those)
Lol, that is great  8)

Quote from: NM-92 on July 28, 2016, 06:35:53 AM
I sacrifice part of the image to make the other part look good.
As said on FB, really good job!
Regarding the post editing: Are you used to use layer masks? You can use them to define where on the image your different effects should apply, thus avoiding destroying one part of your image while enhancing another.

I did a quick post editing take on your raw rendering, where I tried to achieve the look on your edited rendering without the blown out areas.
Check it out here and let me know if it helps:
Hope it is okay? Otherwise let me know and I'll remove it asap.



Excellent job with the "post-post" work, Esben!


I just saw it. It's really good ! Thanks for taking the time to do this.


Hi everyone. New scene i modeled today in Blender. Had a tough time modeling the details but i am quite satisfied with the results. Enjoy !


This is most excellent, Nico...very cool :) Really dig the old wood bat grip, and the blood stains on the ball are a great detail. Well done! One thing I would point out is that the stitches seem to be kind of "floating" and not quite "in" the leather. I think an Occlusion node would help enhance the realism in that area. Try plugging the color map of the stitches into the Unoccluded input and set the Occluded color to around 8% black, plug the Occlusion node into the diffuse slot of your stitches material, and tweak the Radius and Falloff values until you get some nice contact shadow detail where the stitches intersect the leather. Or, render out a separate AO pass and composite it over your existing image. Just my 2 cents :) Great job!



Sweet textures! You've done them in substance?


Quote from: bdesign on July 31, 2016, 12:05:45 AM
This is most excellent, Nico...very cool :) Really dig the old wood bat grip, and the blood stains on the ball are a great detail. Well done! One thing I would point out is that the stitches seem to be kind of "floating" and not quite "in" the leather. I think an Occlusion node would help enhance the realism in that area. Try plugging the color map of the stitches into the Unoccluded input and set the Occluded color to around 8% black, plug the Occlusion node into the diffuse slot of your stitches material, and tweak the Radius and Falloff values until you get some nice contact shadow detail where the stitches intersect the leather. Or, render out a separate AO pass and composite it over your existing image. Just my 2 cents :) Great job!


Huh, this method can be quite interesting. I struggled a LOT trying to make a single hole for each stitch. Maybe your approach can get the job done. Thanks for the kind words man.

Quote from: nicordf on July 31, 2016, 01:29:15 AM
Sweet textures! You've done them in substance?

I started a trial of substance once, but couldn't understand a thing  :P. I try to do everything within the material graph, i think it's powerful enough, and since i am learning Blender i can combine it with some UV mapping.


Nice one Nic, I'm loving the warm/cool env. The only thing that's niggling at me is the confusing texture on the ball itself, are those meant to be fingerprints or just wear and tear ?


Hi John, thank you ! I was aiming to achieve some kind of stains on the ball because it looked too clean, but i do agree that they look a bit weird. I spent too long trying stain textures, so maybe i was a bit tired when i made the final selection.

Will Gibbons

This is an interesting image. I have to point out a couple things. The bat looks small compared to the ball. Also, the smudges on the ball could stand to be a bit fainter. Are they mapped spherically? Also, it seems like you can do UV unwrapping in Blender. If you do so, the smudges you added can be set to a UV mapping mode and should wrap better around the spherical surface. Finally, I think Babe's signature can stand to be larger. This is another texture that would benefit from the UV unwrapping process.

All considered though, this is cool.


Duly noted Will. I'm still a rookie at UV unwrapping so maybe my methods aren't correct right now, but i'll try to do better next time. The signature was mapped spherically. The smudges were UV mapped. Thanks for pointing those things out.

Magnus Skogsfjord

I really, really like the wooden texture you got there. Looks great! Time to yet again point out your progress => Outstanding!



Hi everyone. Still not completely finished, but i couldn't resist to see how it looked like in KS. This is my first "complex" model in Blender. Special thanks to TpwUK for the tips.

Chad Holton

Very nice work! Great seeing another fellow Blender user.  :)