Disabling HDRI reflections

Started by jet1990, December 14, 2016, 02:15:40 AM

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Apologies if this is already possible but im scratching my head. I've been building an interior scene with using a HDRI environment which is like a field shot. I set the background to be a colour (white) as i dont want a field showing up in a city scape building....but the field is still showing in reflections of glass objects within the room. See photo attached. is there a work around without having to block windows with a plane and area light as im already happy with the HDRI lighting.


You can add an emissive plane, add an image as a color texture to it to get the reflections you want, but also have the HDRI light pass through it.
Just uncheck "Visible in shadows" to have the environment light pass through the surface.

You can see this technique in action here: https://youtu.be/50qIeiKqPTA?t=37m29s

Let me know if this works for you.


thank you. I actually tried this but didn't uncheck visible in shadows lol i'll give it a go.


Good tip, but I can't help feel that it would be easier to add a "hide environment reflections" button in all material dialogues?


Quote from: quigley on December 15, 2016, 09:45:27 AM
Good tip, but I can't help feel that it would be easier to add a "hide environment reflections" button in all material dialogues?

That would be awesome. I had a similar issue but regarding physical area lights or added light pins on my HDRIs. Sometimes i want a light pin (or area light) to affect only some materials and not the whole scene, just for tiny details. I know i can uncheck the "show in reflections" and some more options, but then it would dissapear on all materials. I think this can be bypassed using render layers and turning on and off some lights but i find that extremely time consuming.