How do I update the Network Render Master?

Started by monson67, December 23, 2016, 07:22:36 AM

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I am on Mac OS X 10.11.6, and my machine is set up as the Master for Network Rendering.

I have updated to the latest version of KeyShot installed - 6.3.19.

KeyShot Network Render Queue, currently version 6.3.16, tells me that there is an update available for 6.3.19. I click the Download Queue Update button, and it tells me "The master is outdated, it is recommended that the master is updated before updating the Queue. Do you still want to download the installer?".

Ok. So how do I update the Master? I couldn't find how to do it in the KeyShot6 Network Configurator application. I went to the downloads page on, and the only thing there is the download for Network Rendering, but it's only version 6.3.16.
