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Started by IvanT68, February 22, 2017, 06:26:12 AM

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Dear Keyshooters,

this is the very first time I am posting a rendered image from a model of mine.
I'm neither an Industrial Designer nor a creative guy, but only a KS enthusiast.
I'm a rookie compared to such a gurus like... (we all know the names but to be polite I won't name anybody).
So, please, be critic but not too much  ;D.
This is a WIP made with Inventor 2017 and KS6. As Inventor doesn't "chat" with KS, if any  changes are due to improve the image, then I have to apply textures from scratch again.
I would like to publicly thank Will Gibbons for the webinar about Material Graph. The pictures are my first attempt to mess around with that.
Happy to receive any thought of yours.

Kind Regards,

P.S.: Apologies for my crap English  :-[

Magnus Skogsfjord

Awesome start! I think you're well off for your first image :)

The ground materials looks sweet, as does the measuring band.

Some minor viewpoints from me:

  • I would apply a gradient opacity map to the ground plane, to make it fade into the background (but ignore this of course if the hard edge is intentional). Alternatively you could tilt the camera upwards such that you don't see the edges, like you have done in the second image.
  • Try to add a pin in the HDRI editor (if you have access?) to shed some more light to the black part. It's a wee bit dark at the moment

Hope that was not too hard :) To emphasize: It's a sweet looking first post.


Thanks Magnus for your thoughts, which I appreciate very much.
1. Actually you are spot on my issues. The hard edge wasn't intentional and, therefore, I'll apply the gradient to make it fading into the background.
2. Yes, I can access HDRI editor. I'll surely pin a light to highlight the scratch that now isn't really visible.
Thanks again


Nice one ! Just remember to fillet every edge on your model. Some of them are too sharp and this never happens in the real world. Doing these will improve the overall reflections of the model. In your second image you can see this difference looking at the side cuts (filleted) comparing with the top ones (sharp).

I also agree with Magnus suggestion about the gradient, though i would change the background color to black.

Great job !


Thanks NM, your advises are really useful.
I'll smooth everything to let the reflections flow better.
I'll check the results with different backgrounds.
Thanks again.

Magnus Skogsfjord

That's a good tip there from Nicolas (NM-92). Check out this radius edges to do it super quick within KeyShot:

This technique may cause some artifacts in the fillet/blend if you have a heavy radius, but I've found it useful in many cases, particularly large assemblies where manually blending each part is too time consuming.

Will Gibbons

I'd love to see this with the suggestions from Magnus and Nico implemented. I think the rounded edges will really make the details pop. Also, don't be afraid to let your product fill the frame a bit more. I might add some roughness (just a little) to the areas that look super-glossy. No need to thank me btw! :-[ Glad you enjoyed the webinar. Also, your english seems fine!


Thanks for that, Magnus.
I already played with the fillet slider and got some unwanted weird results, when radius was set too high (0,5mm). By tweaking a bit the value (0,25mm) I got the right smoothness.


Hi Will, I'll tune the roughness a bit up to reduce the glossiness. I'll post the results asap. Thanks very much for helping with your shots, which I usually try to study carefully (this doesn't mean I'm able to reproduce the results... :D).


Hi All again,
I have rebuilt the model implementing some fillets, as per your advises. The "virtual filleting" caused unwanted results therefore I went for the CAD filleting. I also tried to make the floor fading into the background and modify the lens aperture to focus on the model only. Hopefully the result is better than before. I have to tweak a bit with the label and the yellow color for the inner covers. More views will be uploaded soon. Many thanks for any comments you would like to post.


Magnus Skogsfjord

That's awesome progress! Looks really good man. Love that subtle diamond pattern in the center.


Thanks for that, Magnus. And many compliments for your eye for details. The fading diamond pattern is really subtle...


Much better indeed ! You can still tweak some pieces but it's already looking great.


Here it is the back view.


It always amuses me when I read the "Don't be too harsh this is my very first time/I'm just a rookie/Never done this before/This probably sucks" posts then see the images and they look fantastic like this. It makes me confident there's hope for me :)

Nice work, keep it up you are doing great!