Rhino live link tessellation issue

Started by thomseal, February 28, 2017, 05:25:52 PM

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When I use live link to open a model directly into keyshot from rhino, I have some tessellation issues. I am not sure how to control mesh setting when going directly from rhino to keyshot. I can switch to "render NURBS" and that fixes the tessellation but drastically slows down rendering.

I've been able to re-import bodies by saving them out at 3dm first, but that breaks the live linking.

Windows 10
Rhino 5
Keyshot 6.3.23


Hey thomseal-

You can adjust the mesh settings in Rhino under Tools > Options > Mesh. The default setting is "Jagged & Faster". You can change it to "Smooth & Slower", or use the "Custom" option, which offers both a simple Density slider and Detailed controls. These settings can be changed and updated without breaking the live linking. Attached are some example renders at various Rhino mesh settings.



Hey thomseal,
I typically use these mesh settings for most consumer sized products. I also use this setting to export STL files for 3D printing.
If I need the mesh to be finer I make the "Maximum Distance Edge to Surface" number .001 I only use that if I have to as I find going that fine really slows things down, and makes much larger files.