Adding to Materials Library

Started by indycarbruce, March 24, 2010, 11:29:19 AM

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I recently bought Alibre w/ Hypershot and upgraded to Keyshot yesterday.  I'm still teaching myself how to use these programs.  I'm a woodworker in my spare time and I want to use these programs for furniture design.

Overall, I like the programs & Keyshot's renderings look realistic beyond belief.

Does anyone have links to some good seamless fine hardwood textures?  Seamless is key.  The wood textures in Hypershot and Keyshot are limited and look "tiled" in my rendering.  I found a few large scale jpgs that looked better, but the website I found also had a limited number of textures.

More importantly, is there an easier way to import textures into the material library?  I manually saved the jpg images to Keyshot's texture folder.  Then I double clicked the object which opened a menu where I could browse for the jpg file.  After the material was applied to the object, I could copy the material and paste it into the library-  one at a time.  I was hoping for a way to import 10-20 jpgs and have all of them appear in the library.  I can't find any easy way to do that, so I suspect how I did it manually is the only way.

I'd appreciate it if anyone has a better method.


Try spiralgraphics free download, lovely program


as i mentioned in my post on this forum and mentioned above.

good luck!
