Updating and general time frame until Keyshot 3

Started by kjoiner, April 27, 2011, 06:47:43 AM

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I started with Hypershot and am now running Keyshot 1.9.  I typically import models from Solid Edge so having the tree feature in the latest version of Keyshot along with the much improved labeling capabilities will be very helpful.  I believe I can upgrade ($395) from 1.9 to the latest version as long as the latest version is still 2.#.  My question is how long until version 3 comes out?  I'm planning to submit approval to upgrade to version 2.# and just want to plan for future budgetary requests.

Also, can Keyshot now directly read Solid Edge .par, .psm and .asm files or are they still brought into Keyshot at step files?




Hi kjoiner, please contact sales@luxion.com directly so we can work with you on the upgrade. KeyShot 3 will ship later this year.

As far as KeyShot's support for SolidEdge goes, we now fully support .par, .asm, and .psm files.