MIC | Metal rendering

Started by jitender.chaurasia, July 30, 2017, 06:26:16 AM

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Rendered in KS6
No postprocessing... :)

Please give feedback for any correction

Magnus Skogsfjord

Looks neat!

Maybe you could play around with roughness and/or bump maps to create more eye-catching materials? It's often a bit fun to play with them, especially with metals in my opinion.


Great start!  All of my mics have a satin finish.  Important in a studio to minimize glare on the user.
Bill G

Will Gibbons

Nice. I own a similar microphone and a couple of things... you've got metal on areas that should be made of elastic... see reference image attached. Also, would be great to see a cable in there, even if you have to Photoshop/photobash it in. Maybe a bit more of a close-up would allow us to see more details. Thanks for sharing. It's a great start! I hope that helps.