keyshot 7 network render updates?

Started by PeterSwift, August 09, 2017, 12:38:05 AM

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I see that the network render was been completely redone from the ground up.  But it won't say what is different.  Is in any new features. What is the difference? :)

Added question.  If we are paying for network render we dont need to upgrade to keyshot 7 to get the new network render?
And can we mix keyshot 7 and keyshot 6 on the render server. Just wanna double check.



From the user's perspective nothing too drastically has been changed.
We did add new capabilities like Worker Pools, User Groups, Job Priority and concurrent rendering, but it should all feel familiar if you've used Network Rendering before KeyShot 7.

The major changes have been architectural in nature. The innards of the system have been completely rewritten to be more flexible, robust and (especially for complex animations) a lot faster. It is also more future-proof so we can extend the functionality in future releases.

As for your other questions...
No, we are not forcing you to upgrade to KeyShot 7. However, KeyShot 7 Network Rendering is perfectly capable of handling jobs from KeyShot 6 and 5.
Yes, you can mix NR6 and NR7 on the same network.



If we switch to Keyshot 7, can we still send renders to the Keyshot 6 Network Render software we have, or do we need to upgrade that to 7 as well?


KeyShot 7 scenes require KeyShot 7 Network Rendering for processing.



This sounds good, because the network render in Keyshot 6 was so bad that we seriously considered switching to a completely different software package (we filed numerous support requests on this issue which were never satisfactory resolved).