Pixelation/artifacts in final renders?

Started by clawhon, September 18, 2017, 02:16:42 PM

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I've been having some issues with pixelation in the shadows of a product animation I'm doing. Previous attempts in Version 6 worked fine. I'm revisiting the development now in Version 7 and running into this issue. Can't nail down what it might be. I've changed shadow quality and played around with checking different boxes on Layers and Passes in the render dialogue box with no luck.

I'm fading out the body of this particular piece as it rotates to the next description phase in my script. Is the transparency causing an issue? I'm completely lost...



Hey clawhon,

Are you using the Fade Animation or an opacity map? Do you have Ground Shadows enabled?

It would be great if you could share the scene for me to take a look at. You can send to rex@luxion.com via keyshot.wetransfer.com



It looks like the tiling is caused by Ground Illumination. We will investigate the issue. In the meantime please render with Ground Illumination disabled. Or, if you want it enabled you can render with Maximum Samples mode.



Thanks for taking a look at this issue. I deactivated Ground Illumination and the render looks great! If you discover anything else about the issue please forward it on.



Hey Chad,

We have identified the issue and it is fixed in 7.2 which we will make public in about a month. Thank you for the report!