How to handle opacity for geometry

Started by martinwahlberg, October 04, 2017, 03:02:12 AM

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I'm looking for ideas on how to handle opacity in a situation where the geometry is created this way. See attachment.

The texture is a png with transparency and I've got a texture for opacity but when I use that it doesn't sync uv-mapping  even though sync option is used. It is however not the same texture but has the exact same size. How do I handle this in a smart way without having to position the opacity texture?

Esben Oxholm

Hi Martin.
Can you share a KSP of the scene?

I might have a hunch about what is going on, but need the file to dig into it :)



Sure Esben.
Thanks for taking a look on it.


I was thinking if there was a way of copying the uv-mapping from one texture and using it for another or if there was a smart utility node that could make use of the first, uv-mapped texture or something.

Esben Oxholm

The maps should think I guess, but couldn't check as the package didn't contain any of the opacity maps :)

However, by using the 'color to number'-node in the graph, you can create a black/white opacity map based on your diffuse map. See attached and KSP here:

Hope it helps.


That helps alot Esben.
Looks great. Thrown shadows looks nice too when setting shadow quality.

Many thanks!


I forgot to add the opacity-map.
I added it "unlinked" in the material graph now if you wanted to do something with it regarding uv-mapping or something.
I fiddled a little with translucency for the materials.

Esben Oxholm

Quote from: martinwahlberg on October 04, 2017, 04:36:25 AM
I forgot to add the opacity-map.
I added it "unlinked" in the material graph now if you wanted to do something with it regarding uv-mapping or something.
I fiddled a little with translucency for the materials.
When it is unlinked I believe it is not saved in the KSP. It only collects all the used files.
Can't see it at least.


Ha ha, linked it in the bump-slot.  8)

Esben Oxholm

Cool, got it. (although they were not in the graph, but in the folder)

You can get the same uv options from the diffuse by copying the diffuse node, connect the copy to the opacity channel and then load the opacity map into the copy.
Otherwise, just select uv-coordinates as the mapping type and adjust the scaling to 1.

Doesn't solve the syncing issue, but works.

Not sure if it answered your original question at all?


No you totally did!
Great. I get it now.
Thanks again!


Esben...  :D