cannot render region

Started by designgestalt, November 17, 2017, 11:42:23 AM

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Keyshot 7:

it happened now a couple of times, that I wanted to only render out a region, but after I sent my image to the renderqueue, the whole image was rendered!
this does not happen, when I hit the direct render button, only in the render queue !
If I cancel the renderjob and resent it, it still does the same.
only shutting down Keyshot and reopening the model helps!
this happened to various models and projects ...
anyone else having this problem?

I should add, that in the small screengrab of the image in the renderqueue window it also shows only the region I want to render, yet still does render the whole image!

I found another bug with the region render:
when it finally rendered the region, it did not render the spot I picked, but some some random(?) spot on the image!

Esben Oxholm

Quote from: designgestalt on November 17, 2017, 11:42:23 AM
anyone else having this problem?

Hi Dirk!
I've experienced the same the one time I have had to do a region output from KS7.
Only had a single image, so solved by restarting KeyShot and checking/unchecking the region box a few times. Also had to adjust the region a few times before it finally rendered the region that I wanted.

Not that it solves the problem. Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone  8)


This should be fixed in KS 7.2. If you would like to test the beta when it is available please contact us at


I would HIGHLY appreciate this...
this bug is driving me insane at the moment.
funnily enough it know also works the other way around:
it renders regions where I chose the whole image.
I currently have  job where I render loops of around 25 images overnight and can throw away half of them the next day ...
I am more than willing to try the beta  !!!
thanks for the quick reply!