Posting Spinsets

Started by mattjgerard, December 01, 2017, 05:56:46 AM

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Can we post XR sets directly to the forums, or what is the best way to share one? Do I need to just set up a fake free website somewhere to dump them and post a link? I have dropbox and onedrive, but from what I gather, the XR needs to be on a hosted platform, not just a filesharing service.

Will Gibbons

You can send somebody the entire zip and have them just open the .html file... but yes, that's sub-optimal. Your solution works if you don't wish to send all the stills.


I was thinking of posting to this forum, sort of like how we can embed youtube videos and images. I found the GitHub solution, but I'm having issues with that. First off, I have NO CLUE how GitHub works, and I can't see all the files that I supposedly uploaded and are now floating around somewhere I can't see them. So, of to troubleshoot that a little bit.

Even then, I believe that on the forum it will just show a link, it won't embed so it can be manipulated right in the post, correct?