difficulties moving layers

Started by zooropa, December 05, 2017, 08:42:06 AM

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Is there any reason why I can not accomodate my layers in order ? I am not sure why they came in different orders from Rhino, but I can not stack it in the right position in KS. I can put one inside another, but that is not what I am looking for. I need to be able to load them in between.

Thanks a lot


it is there, but there is a very very small margin when dropping the layer in between two other layers or groups. I had the same comment a while ago, and Josh Mings pointed that out to me. I still have trouble with it, and one of my requests was to change that behavior. Hopefully it gets in there soon, because it is a bit of a pain. You have to watch for the line to change color. ITs only a couple pixels tall, the hot spot to drop it.