Difference between network and local renderings

Started by manongvld, January 08, 2018, 02:41:27 AM

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Hi there,

I've a huge problem with my network rendering.

The rendering is different from my preview when I render with the network. I don't have any problem when I render it locally.
The difference can be on the texture, on the colors, on the mapping...

Do you have any idea to solve my problem?

Thank you in advance! :)



Hello Manon.

What version of KeyShot do you have installed local and what version of Network Rendering do you running on master and slaves?



Hi Marco,

actually the versions are different, you're right, the cause of the problem is probably that one.

My keyshot version is 6.3 and my keyshot network is 7.2 and the other computers have 7.1 version.

I'll let you know when I'll change the version if the problem is solved.

Thank you,



I just changed my network to the last version Keyshot7.2. The problem is solved! Thank you very much Marco. ;D ;D