Shadow quality poor with interior lighting mode.

Started by rfollett, February 07, 2018, 02:50:20 PM

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Can anyone please suggest what I need to change to get a good quality shadow on interior mode.
Objects on floor look like they are floating..what should I check?

Thank you


Do you use a ground plane?
Have you ever tried occluded shadows in KS7?

Maybe a screen grab would help use to improve?!


hello and thank you.
I don't have a ground plane as I have a surface for the floor, I thought the 2 might clash if I have both?
can you direct me to  occluded shadows ?

screen shot attached, was the wheels on the office chairs I was looking at.



here is a screen shot..
sometimes they can look a bit like floating when the other side of glass material...

Will Gibbons

Seems like you may have finished this project already, but I'll offer this: You need smaller or brighter light sources to create harder/darker shadows. Here, it looks like you've got too much ambient light and need some more directional light.