Updates to the scene tree search function

Started by theAVator, July 18, 2018, 08:16:41 AM

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Currently, when you start typing in the search box it tries to search on the fly, which sounds like a good thing until you get something with like 10,000 parts. Because its going to search all 10,000 parts for the first number/letter you type, then its going to search those with the second number/letter you type, then the third... and so on. This adds considerable time to the search when you know the whole part number or whatever you want to search for, but this method prevents you from being able to input the whole string of what you're searching for. and searching through many thousands of parts takes a while, and now multiply that by the number of characters in your search and it adds up to a lot of wasted time waiting for a search  and it's not even searching exactly what you'd like it to.

I think adding a search button here would make more sense to initiate the search to begin - instead of on-the-fly. That would allow users to enter in longer part numbers/names and perform 1 search to find what they need. Those searching more broadly can also use this method - i.e. if you want all the parts that contain a 1, can still search for 1 rather easily.


agreed, although I don't deal with quite that large of a part count, but please please please don't make me click on the search button. let me hit "enter" or "return" or something else on the keyboard. I hate having action buttons force me to click it instead of just hitting enter. My hands are on the keyboard already.


Agreed. I think most programs implement both methods when entering a search box. As long as there is something that allows the user to initiate it and not the program jumping the gun and causing all sorts of wasted time.