Upgragde to Keyshot 8 use Keyshot 7 at the same time

Started by mz, October 16, 2018, 04:04:54 AM

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I have a question about the Keyshot 8 upgrade.
I have Keyshot 7 pro and I want to upgrade to Keyshot 8 but I'm in the middle of a project and I would like to use Keyshot 7 still.
Is it possible to use 7 and 8 at the same time with the same licence? I need this because I need the same render result if I have to rerender something from a different angle for example.



Yes it is.
Just one thing comes up. Opening a bip file with double click will opens KeyShot 8.
So you have to start KeyShot 7 and then open the bip file.

Hope that helps!



 :) If you are using Windows.

A workaround I used while Beta testing was to have a 2nd user profile on my machine, I installed KS8 on that user, but didn't allow it to be available for all users. When I wanted to use KS8 specifically, I would use that profile. If I wanted to use 7, I logged into the other profile.

Not the most elegant, but it did a good job of keeping them separated (very key when beta testing).