GLTF export limited functionality - material support, transforms

Started by sircris, February 27, 2019, 07:49:44 AM

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Hi, i think it is very cool that GLTF is supported in Keyshot, using version 8.2 now, but unfortunatly the functionality is limited.

  • My main issue is that not all materials are exported correctly or completely, mainly metalness and emission are not exported and roughness is also not following the setting in keyshot which I find essential.
  • Secondly transforms can sometimes be incorrect, for example when exporting the attached scene.
  • I hope that at some point textures and lights will be supported as well.

Keyshot is ideal in our CAD workflow as a central place, easy to use, to materialize models for use in real-time.

Are these issues known? When will they be addressed?



Bruno F

Thank you for your feedback. GLTF does currently have limited functionality. Essentially, 3D data and color information is transferred from KeyShot to GLTF viewers. Please stay tuned to and newsletter for additional news on what is coming for KeyShot 9. Currently, we cannot provide an ETA for added support.

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