Aeshma the demon of wrath and rage

Started by kiarash.tamizkar, May 16, 2019, 11:12:55 AM

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hello to everyone ,after about 1 month I finally finished my 3D concept... it was amazing to work on this piece and I am truly happy about this and I hope you like it.

Aeshma is demon of wrath ,rage and fury in Zoroastrianism's mythology. he is opposed to asha vahishta ( the guardian of the truth and right working) and he is one of the  commanders in angra mainyu army )  angra mainyu :the destructive spirit or Ahriman in Persian language ) and a messenger from him.

Pouya Hosseinzadeh


Will Gibbons



Lost for words..... that is an epic piece of art!
Have you had that produced / printed or is it digital only?

Regards, Jet


 :o whoa that's cool, jealous of those abilities to sculpt and create such a nice composition with multiple parts. Great work!


Quote from: Jet3D on May 29, 2019, 08:22:28 AM
Lost for words..... that is an epic piece of art!
Have you had that produced / printed or is it digital only?

Regards, Jet

hi dear jet,thank you my friend, ;) no actually it's just digital version


Quote from: DMerz III on May 30, 2019, 03:43:00 PM
:o whoa that's cool, jealous of those abilities to sculpt and create such a nice composition with multiple parts. Great work!
:D hi,i appreciate it my friend,i'm happy to see your positive cmnt ;D