Scene tree....

Started by jhiker, September 27, 2011, 02:59:03 AM

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I'm not quite sure what the scene tree is showing me...

In the 'Materials' column why do some parts have materials associated with them but the vast majority do not even though all the parts have materials assigned in the actual Keyshot model?
What does the little 'o' signify in the 'Parts' column?

I'm running v2.3.2



All parts have materials assigned. Subassemblies don't show a material name not unless all parts have the same material. When you assign KeyShot materials, you get the KeyShot material name.

As far as the "o", must be something that is written in the CAD file.


I don't get it.
As I say, all parts have Keyshot materials assigned. Some assigned directly, some assigned with 'copy & paste' some assigned with 'paste & link'. The second screenshot shows several parts in the same sub-assembly - some appear to have materials next to them and some do not and I don't know why.

'......Subassemblies don't show a material name not unless all parts have the same material......'
Could you clearer in your explanation please. Why would I want to assign the same material to all parts in a sub-assembly?


"some appear to have materials next to them and some do not and I don't know why." - Because they are subassemblies - notice the little + on the left next to the name?


'....Because they are subassemblies....'

So Keyshot will only show assigned materials on top-level parts?

I'm struggling to understand this - please bear with me.
The following picture of the scene tree shows a list of components at the 'same level', i.e. no sub-assemblies expanded. Some show assigned materials and some don't. Is this to be expected?


I am not sure what you are highlighting, and what your question is. Are you asking why "Base flange assembly" doesn't have a material name?


I have been looking at this and it's tricky to figure out what this is about.  But I think I noticed something in his higlights.

It's not about the assembly level.

My geuss is that its:

Wire loop with offset ... -> Copper
Ceramic 2.5x1.3.......... -> Matte White #1


Wire loop with offset.... -> Wire loop with offset....

Where the first gets a material name, while the other get the same name as the part for the material ?
Could this be the issue ?


The first is our material name, the other is the material name as stored in the CAD-file. That's my guess.


'Are you asking why "Base flange assembly" doesn't have a material name'

It's not about the assembly level....

In the actual scene all components have a material associated with them.

Look at the last screenshot.
Look down the materials column on the right-hand-side.
Some of the parts have a material associated with them, 'Copper'/'Matte White' etc.
Some of the parts do not have a material associated with them - it just repeats the part description with 'mat' at the end.

I don't know how to ask the question any simpler. I think Philippe has almost got it.


It probably does that when it can't find a material in the Alibre file. Did you assign a material called Copper in Alibre, or in KeyShot?


The model is exported from Alibre as a 'BIP' file.

All materials are assigned in Keyshot.


Try and drag a material onto a part with the default material name directly in the scene tree. It should change to the name of the material you selected.


Thanks for your help on this.

I have opened yesterday's model again and expanded the scene tree. Lo and behold most (all?) the parts have materials assigned. I am a little bit wiser.

It seems the assignment of material is not 'sticking' in the scene tree until the model is saved and then opened again.

Try and drag a material onto a part with the default material name directly in the scene tree. It should change to the name of the material you selected.

I tried your suggestion on a different model. Opened up Edit -> Scene and dragged a new material from the palette onto one of the components which already had a material assigned to it. When I dragged the new material onto the component the material description in the scene tree changed momentarily to reflect the new material but it immediately reverted back to the original material although it stayed changed in the 3D model.
I then saved the model and opened it again - looked at the scene tree and it had the new material assigned.
So, I'm guessing the material assignments don't 'stick' until the model is saved.


Ok - thanks - we will look into it.


Ah .. I did notice some of this myself but haven't mentioned it yet.

It's something with the updating of the scene tab.  I bring in some parts that are not touching though have the same color (by mistake e.g.) so I can right click them in the realtime render or in the scene tab and chose "unlinck" parts.  This unlinks them and gives one of them a #1 at the end ...

Or that is what should happen and what does happen 75% of the time.  Sometimes the parts are unlinked though the name doesn't change untill I close and re-open the file.

This sounds like a similar issue.