SLI GPU vs 3950X render results - maybe a point of interest

Started by Jet3D, May 05, 2020, 10:17:12 AM

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I can share the scene with you not the public. I have a deal that i will not share it online. I think the guy might be dead i am unsure as i ruined the relationship we had at the end. he got covid-19 and i was just worried about getting the work i paid for. Having said that.

The file is 6.3gb in size. Were do you want me to upload it for you? I am rendering it out now via GPU for you but I am going to let it go to stupid samples. My biggest problems

1. Can not get cpu quality or even close to it via gpu
2. Substance source materials can not be used.


Gpu on a windows 2080

(Edit) I see it did not screen shot the display screen. That is the best it could do with 75,000+gpu samples and about 3 1/2 hour render time. Like i said I have no idea how you guys are getting the gpu to give the same results as the cpu.


Without seeing the CPU image, it is hard to tell what is wrong with this GPU rendering.

For sharing the scene, so that we can have a look:
You can send data securely via our WeTransfer. Send to dries-at-luxion-dot-com.



Quote from: mafrieger on May 10, 2020, 05:00:47 AM
Quote from: DriesV on May 10, 2020, 02:12:54 AM

What I said in that thread was just a heads-up that you shouldn't expect double performance in all cases.

Many thanks for clarifying this !!

Some questions regarding usage of GPU's VRAM:
1) what's biggest VRAM amount needed for a scene you have seen so far?
2) What are the things that drive VRAM amount up most?
3) Could you share a demo scene with very big VRAM needed?
With this one (jet3d an others) could see if a / a couple of Quadros with losts of VRAM is worth it / needed (in real live)...

=> just put this into a new topic:


Quote from: Jet3D on May 09, 2020, 04:40:31 AM
These are 11GB cards so, it would have a total of 22GB.
We have some Quadro P6000 24 GB cards at work. I will test with these when lockdown lifts.

I have been CPU rendering and if I had only tried GPU at some stage - 95% of the time, I would never go back.

After what I have seen that KS 9.3 can do - I will be steering work into using KS in the future. Perfect for what I do and able to deliver fast results in the film industry that needs everything yesterday! LOL.

Thanks for posting the test - interesting! - my own experience is my relatively humble RTX2060 was 16.8x my CPU for  rendering. Considering an upgrade of either an identical 2060 or something better

