Lost materials in KeyVR

Started by jakobjakob, June 10, 2020, 12:40:29 AM

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Hi everyone. When I am opening my scene from Keyshot in KeyVR I get an error for every material that I used, saying that the texture jpg couldn't be located. The scene then always opens without my set materials. Does anybody else have a similiar problem?

PS: I only used pre-installed standard Keyshot materials


Do you opened a bip or ksp in KeyVR?



then try the ksp - it has all textures included


Thank you. When I select "save as package" some materials appear, but some still reset to default. Also eventhough the saving dialogue shows ".ksp" the file still turns out as a ".bip" at the end. What am I doing wrong?


Hello Jakob.

I guess you ran into some limitations with materials and maybe also texture mapping types.
In the manual, you'll see examples for materials in KeyShot and the corresponding KeyVR representation - Link to the manual page