Can't import color library

Started by mattjgerard, March 29, 2021, 06:29:24 AM

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Trying to import a csv color pallet, but when I try to use the import function in the color tab, I get one of these errors-

1) If I have a ccolor library selected, It says "cannot import color library into the read only group"
2) If I have no group selected, it says "please select a group to import into to."
3) Try to add a folder, but says you "cannot add a group to a read only group"

How do I import a color libary?

Win10, KS 10.1.82 [4.1.36]

I've tried resetting my workspaces, I have not tried resetting my preferences, as that would be a pain in the &&&&. I tried creating a "folder" in the Color Liubrary directory, but nothing shows up in the color tab when I refresh. How can I make a group that I can import into?

I've posted to the direct support help forum as well.


Check the attached video. Do you not get the same results?


Quote from: TGS808 on March 29, 2021, 04:39:34 PM
Check the attached video. Do you not get the same results?

Nope, I don't have that Colors folder. I only had locked libraries. I posted on the Luxion support portal, and they suggested it was a permissions issue, so I changed the read only permissions on the folder. That didn't seem to help, so I changed the location of the Colors preset folder to a new folder on my desktop, and that allowed me to create a new "Group". I moved that new group to the original Colors folder, reset the folder in the preferences to that original folder and now I have an unlocked Group to import color libraries into. Not sure if it was the permissions or not, but I seem to have been able to fix it with that workaround. Just did this about 10 min ago.


That's weird. That "colors" folder has been there by default since I started with KS6. Strange that you don't have it. Well... at least you got it working now.


Look to the right side and see the Lock symbol, that means the library is LOCKED. Most of the Preconfigured colors from Pantone, RAL, etc. are locked (I think because they are proprietary and licensed from those entities).
You'll need to create a new library folder for the imported colors.


Quote from: HaroldL on March 30, 2021, 10:11:41 AM
Look to the right side and see the Lock symbol, that means the library is LOCKED. Most of the Preconfigured colors from Pantone, RAL, etc. are locked (I think because they are proprietary and licensed from those entities).
You'll need to create a new library folder for the imported colors.

Yep, the problem is with the UI functionality of the pane, it doesn't allow you to "Deselect" far enough to create an unlocked group/library at the top level. It keeps saying that either the selected group/library is locked and can't import or create anything or you need to select a group or libary first before importing or creating a group or library. Got it sorted through tech support partially being a permissions issue and I pointed the color folder to a new clean folder on my desktop, thta allowed me to create an unlocked group and I moved it into the default location and from there it was good.