
Started by Furniture_Guy, March 01, 2022, 06:13:46 AM

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First question:
No matter what I do, I can't seem to make my chrome nice and bright in the Web Viewer at first opening like the Real Time View. Lightning, Environments, different Chrome, nothing seems to work. I have to move it out from beneath to see the proper Chrome.

Jan Simon

Hi Furniture_Guy,

I have taken the liberty to create a new thread for your question.

Looks weird indeed. Can you share the scene so we can take a closer look? It also looks like several other materials are off - but maybe that's due to the configuration?

EDIT: Also, are you using baking? I would recommend trying that. Simply check the "Bake textures" checkbox in the upload dialog in KeyShot and upload your scene again.


I definitely used 'Bake Textures' otherwise the top laminate would not show up given that it's an imported image...


Jan Simon

We have found the issue and fixed it, thanks for the report. I will make a thread when the Web Viewer update that includes this fix is deployed.

As a sidenote: You can have image textures without baking as long as you use UV texture projection, via import or the uv unwrap tool. This can be helpful in cases where you want to avoid baking and the time it takes during the upload process, and don't use procedural materials or labels etc., that require baking to work.


Great! And thank you very much for the UV tip. We use laminate images extensively on our products...



I've created a simple scene with a multi material to simulate chrome.
You'll find this scene attached. And here's the link:

Hope this may help


Jan Simon

Awesome, thanks Marco!!

For reference: One workaround for metallic materials right now is to change the roughness from exactly 0 to any number above 0. This is why the Chromium material in Marco's scene doesn't appear black. This won't be necessary any longer when we deploy the next Web Viewer update with the aforementioned fix included.


Quote from: Jan Simon on March 04, 2022, 01:55:28 AM
Awesome, thanks Marco!!

For reference: One workaround for metallic materials right now is to change the roughness from exactly 0 to any number above 0. This is why the Chromium material in Marco's scene doesn't appear black. This won't be necessary any longer when we deploy the next Web Viewer update with the aforementioned fix included.

good to know - great info - thx!


Thank you for all the help on this but I feel this will not be useful for us. The materials are not accurate to the Real Time view but more importantly the file sizes are ridiculously large. Even after waiting for it to load, the model shows up in stages.


Jan Simon

Hi Perry,

Have you tried going through the Best Practices for the Web Viewer? There is a good chance you can downsize your scene and make it load much faster.

Most importantly I would focus on:
1. How many environments does your scene have? If you have too many, either remove some or turn down the environment resolution slider (in advanced settings in the Upload Dialog).
2. How many image textures are you using? Try turning down the texture resolution slider (in advanced settings in the Upload Dialog).
3. How many triangles are in your scene? You can use the Heads-up display (default hotkey H) in KeyShot to check. You may want to use the Mesh Simplification tool if you're trying to load your scene on mobile devices and have more than a couple million triangles.
4. In your case I would also recommend uploading without baking (use UV mapping for your image texture, as mentioned above) as this can also help keep the file size to a minimum.

The model showing up in stages is normal and part of the loading process. The Web Viewer first reads a table of contents that includes references to all the resources in your scene. Then it loads these resources (textures, environments and geometry) - and during that process, the resources that are already done loading will show up, while the rest continue to load. The Web Viewer is interactive during this loading process, so you can view parts of your scene earlier, instead of waiting for the whole thing to be 100% done loading.

If you could share the scene with us, we will gladly see if we can improve the performance (use WeTransfer for example to securely share your scene with Luxion).

Jan Simon

Follow-up: The fix for this issue has now been deployed!


Thanks, I'll give it another go...
