Keyshot pro render queue stops

Started by eric, August 22, 2010, 04:58:56 AM

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We use Keyshot Pro to do some high resolution batch renders overnight.
This is a great addition to the realtime lower resolution renders we do most.

However when processing the queue some images are saved completely black.
when I just press "render" they do allright.
Seems that the queue processing is not reliable, witch it should be.

We have network with 4 workstations 3xKeyshot 2.0 and 1xKeyshot Pro license all pointing to the same network disk location for renderings, libraries, etc.

anyone else having this problem?
how to solve this?


Can you please contact so we can take a look at the issue?




I fwd message twice but get no reaction from Luxion support at all.
the problem seems to be that increasing the quality on HR images causes the render to stop.
At "good quality" all the renders stop.

In this way the Pro abilities of Keyshot are useless.

Please help.


I have experienced the same problems with Keyshot 2 Pro.  It seems that the first render freezes at 99% complete and will not finish that render, or move on the the next item in the queue.  Kind of makes this feature useless.

I have also experience renders ending at 99% and never finishing, very aggravating. This seems to happen in relatively small images, and the larger high resolution images.  Ogh yeah, I also experience this problem when I do a region render too.  As a mater of fact, most of my renderings since upgrading get stuck at 99%...


I am having the same problem on multiple rendering lately. Even a small one, renders in like one minute, then gets stuck at 99% for like 2 more minutes before finally done.