Rendering glass material..

Started by hoarp001, March 14, 2012, 05:34:50 PM

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Hi All,

Trying to render a photo frame with a glass pane in the front. When using one of the glass materials (the closest ive found is glass clear white (not sure why it would have a colour if it was clear glass? There appears to be none available with no colour) it just reflects black, or sometimes it reflects strange triangular shapes. Trying to get a nice glossy shine to it and i just cant make it do it... any ideas?



Yes ideas !

for working with glass:

1- make sure to have enough ray bounces
2- make sure indirect illumination is turned ON
3- in your modeling software, make sure there is a gap between your glass plate and the part behind (even if it's only 0.1mm) !! (this tip is for the weird triangles)

They should make these tips sticky in this forum :p


Also - for now make sure to use solid glass rather than glass. This will be fixed in the next update.