Rendering - Captivating Bluish Watch

Started by Steve, May 16, 2012, 02:27:29 AM

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Hi there.

I used the KeyShot watch, put some colors on it, put it on a wooden surface (Pro/Engineer WF4) and let KeyShot do the work.

It's done with the evaluation version, but if you promise that this 15 day license of yours doesn't crash every second time I run it I'll use that.



Nice ..

Should cook longer though, still got some grainz.
Also if I put my watch on a table like that, it doens't stay so stiff ... this doesn't add to the setup .. either you can "relax" the watch-chain, or else I wouldn't go for this background/setting.


Thanks, V8.

You're right, I just let it run for 20 minutes.

I thought that the chain would be rather rigid, so that the watch would look like this...
Nope, lame excuse, you're absolutely right.



Further detail tip: add some gloss to the black chain parts, or some bumpmap, or make them less dark black ... to give them depth ... the're real flat now ..