Grouping materials that are in different layers within Rhino

Started by rfollett, August 07, 2012, 09:29:55 AM

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Working from rhino I have my different layers so I can apply different materials. But once in Keyshot I want to group materials from different layers so I can move them together , is this possible?


So I tried working with sublayers in Rhino but these dont seem to come across into Keyshot correctly..

I want to be able to group objects/layers so that once in Keyshot I can treat them as 1 part with ref to moving them.



Hi Thomas,
I work with the plugin. Would it be better to create file in Rhino, save. Then import into Keyshot? What is best workflow?

Many thanks



If you want to be able to move them as a group inside an assembly it might be better to save just that group out of Rhino and then import them separately from the rest of the parts. That way they will be their own section on the model tree in KS too. Any new KS3 scenes don't seem to have the scaling issues that plagued older versions.

FYI, I work from Rhino to Keyshot almost every day, and don't use the plugin (but I'm using Rhino 5 Beta). I layer all parts by material in Rhino then import the Rhino file to KS and start adding materials.


Hi Robb63
When you import, do you import the .3DM file or do you save as OBJ in Rhino then import OBJ into Keyshot?

With ref to the grouping , if I have understood you correctly, I need to to save each part and it's sub parts as individual rhino files then import each one into keyshot?

It would be so easy if the layers and sublayers where imported into keyshot perfectly!

I have only really come across this issue as I start to use the Animation tools. As I want to group (say parts of a phone together) but also have them in different layers as the parts all have different materials.




I always import the .3dm file.
I set my render mesh settings to the attached settings. I'm always working on consumer products (alarm clock, to humidifier kind of size), so the mesh generated isn't too large. If this isn't tight enough res, I will change the "max distance edge to surface" from .01 to .001 I only do this if I have to because it does slow Rhino down while I'm working.
I typically save all of my data in one Rhino file. KS doesn't use "sub folders" from Rhino so everything is treated the same in KS model menu. That is why if I really want some parts by themselves to move, etc... I will export that group of parts out from (can be multiple layers) Rhino. Then I import that Rhino file into KS into my existing scene with other Rhino parts already there. That way in the model tree the imported parts are treated as a group unto themselves, and I can select that group and move it (or switch it on and off) easily without bothering the rest of the scene. Hope that make sense?


Thank you for taking the time to explain, it does make sense. Keyshot is so powerful in so many ways. Just can be frustrating with the simple things!

Many thanks


One more issue. I presume KS retains the object positions ok ? So once you have imported the seperate rhino files, the model looks ok? So KS retains correct position of each part?


Yep, as long as you un-check the "snap to ground", and the "center geometry" on both they should use the Rhino coordinates and locate to each other just like in Rhino.
