Solid Glass Issue

Started by rustytruffle, June 15, 2010, 07:40:13 AM

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Can anyone help? I working with some frosty glass at the moment and using the solid glass material. However when ever I try and get the material to be a color it does some strange things. Like when I pick perfect blue (0,0,255 RGB) the color stays clear. Then if I change it to a different blue the material goes yellow?!? What is it I don't understand with the Solid Glass? Is it due to IOR in and IOR out? Transimission in and Transmission out? Acutally, Keyshot team, it would be good if there were some words out there on what all this means and how to use these functions for early users.
Thanks Truff.


The solid glass is one of the more confusing materials, maybe this will help its from the old Hypershot manual.

If you want coloured glass start with one of the existing materials and change the colour to whatever you want.

Solid Glass

The Solid Glass material is a specialized material that allows the accurate representation of any type of glass, including crystal and gem stones such as emerald, ruby, diamond et al. It also can be used to simulate various types of clear or translucent plastic. This material’s parameters are:

• Ior: Specifies the material’s index of refraction. Air has ior=1.0, water has ior=1.33, and typi-cal glass has ior 1.4-1.7. It also affects the reflectivity of the material.

• Ior out: Specifies the index of refraction of the object in which the glass is placed. In most cases this “object” is the environment sphere. Therefore the value stays at 1, which is the ior of air.

• Transmission: Specifies the color of the glass.

• Transmission out: Specifies the color of the object in which the glass is placed. In most cases this “object” is the environment sphere. Therefore the color stays white, which is the “color of air”.

• Thickness: Specifies the thickness at which the color is given as defined by the transmission parameter.

• Roughness: Controls the roughness of the material’s specular component. This influences the appearance of the highlight (light reflection). A high roughness value (larger than 0.5) creates a rough surface with a large highlight, while a small roughness value creates a rela-tively smooth surface with a small highlight. When changing the roughness value without checking the glossy checkbox, the parameter will have no effect on the surface.

• Glossy: Activates glossy (blurry) reflections based on the roughness parameter. Increasing the roughness value makes the reflections more blurry.

• Glossy samples: Use glossy samples to compute the glossy reflections on the material. For high roughness, increasing this value to 8-16 or more will reduce noise in the reflections, and give a more accurate representation of the rough surface finish.

• Abbe number: Controls the material’s dispersion, which is the variation of the refractive in-dex with wavelength. The Abbe number is material specific.

• Dispersion samples: Controls the quality of the dispersion set under the abbe_number. The default setting is 3. Higher values will have a significant impact on performance in both real-time and offline raytracing.


Its probably a thickness issue, try reducing the thickness as low as 0.05, in the realtime settings put up the ray bounces and turn on the indirect illumination. I found that useing a very fine bump map with a little glossy to create a frosted look works for me, but I mainly use it for transparnt plastics.


great answers and thanks very much, couldn't have asked for more!
In the end I did solve the problem, after playing with the solid glass values.
Thanks again for your help.