Texture shift

Started by PhilippeV8, March 04, 2013, 06:51:00 AM

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I'm on KS3.3.31 and I'm importing my new geometry into and old bip file.
(The old one has only wood window frame and I need to render the product on Aluminum and PVC frame as well)
And I've got the "textures shift when rendering" issue again :/
I tried to save the bip with a different name, but textures stay in the right location ... yet upon rendering in the Q, they shift.
Is there a way to fix these files ?


It may make a difference to upgrade to 3.3.33.


I will soon make the IT-guy come over to install KS4 and at the same time up KS3 to the 33 version.
It is my feeling tho that this will not fix the issue.  Isn't it possible that a certain version of KS wrote some things wrong in the BIP file and that all files created back then are "corrupted" in a way ?  I haven't had this issue for a long time now and it's only now that I use an older file that it happens again.

Either way I worked around it by enabling all geometry and putting a render up in the Q.  Then rename that Qed file to a bip.  Opend that up and moved all the textures to the right place.  I did lose one of my (2) camera positions this way, but I made a new one.


There was one particular build that did that may have caused a shift of textures. In KeyShot 3, there is remap option under Preferences > Advanced. See whether this fixes it.


under the texture tab have you checked if shift X,Y and angle are set to 0?
I once had this issue but not importing a old bip file but an fbx and then texture was assigned different values other than 0 in those fields. Resetting them to 0 would make it work again.