Camera question

Started by PhilippeV8, May 17, 2013, 04:16:07 AM

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I got a scene of a house ... now I need to add something next to the house, but if I do, it's partly out of view.

I want to render just that extra, then put it on top of the original render in post.  But then I need to "zoom out" the camera without changing angles or perspective on the original house.  Which value must I change ?


Field of View (zoom)?
Should be an exact match to the original (perspective, angles) if no other value is changed.

Just try for yourself...

A simple cube rendered with same camera settings, except for Field of View.
If you lay them on top of each other in Photoshop (put the top layer on multiply), they should match perfectly.



I figured ... but I wanted to make sure .. the render is at 6000 pix squared .. don't want to render it all night then only to find next week that it doesn't fit by a tiny angle or such.


... FOV doesn't do the same in KS2 ... :(

*edit* .. ok, sorry .. it does :p